In the Media
Karen Gately is interviewed on the topic of 'Happy at Home' why are so many Australians loving working from home and don't want to go back into the office.
Staying healthy when working a demanding job is always challenging, but when you add to that the complexities inherent in working and living in one place, it can be even more complicated.
Karen Gately's full Today Extra interview on the topic 'Working from Home'. There are both employer and employee benefits that come from working from home, let's unpack it.
On the show today we’ll be exploring what leaders can do to support people to maintain mental health through these extraordinary and challenging times.
Well before COVID-19 began to impact our lives the demand for flexible work conditions that allow people to more effectively integrate their job with the rest of their lives was growing.
The Australian workplace is changing fast and that may have put more responsibilities on your shoulders. How do we juggle it all?
On the show today, we’ll explore what to do when we feel overwhelmed, strategies we can deploy to optimise our effectiveness while working remotely as well as how our personality type is likely to influence how we experience and respond to this period of isolation.
Every year LinkedIn releases a list of both the 'hard' and 'soft' skills employers are most often looking for.
What are your rights? What to do if you need to start working from home?
Karen Gately explores six essential ways that you can influence the client experience through your team.
Karen Gately and Ahron Young discuss Holden closing down in Australia.

Karen Gately – Passionate Optimist with Unwavering Belief in the Power of the Human Spirit
Article · 25-Feb-2019
Karen Gately was asked some questions about Australian leadership and her optimism. Karen is self-described as a “passionate optimist with unwavering belief in the power of the human spirit”.
Some behaviours can't go overlooked. Here are 7 tips to keep in mind when dealing with sexual harassment and bullying.
If you have experienced or witnessed workplace bullying, you know the devastating impact any form of abuse can have.
Have you ever experienced or witnessed bullying at work?