In the Media
Well before COVID-19 began to impact our lives, the demand for flexible work conditions was growing, according to Karen Gately, founder of Corporate Dojo.

The leader's role in keeping the mental health of their team on track in times of remote isolated working
Article · 22-Apr-2020
To say life is challenging right now is an understatement. The reality is a lot of people are facing circumstances and levels of stress they've never had to deal with before.
Julie Hyde and Karen Gately unpack the COVID-19 situation we are navigating and the priority to keep our teams engaged whilst supporting their mental health.
Surviving, let alone thriving, through these times will take every member of your team playing their part.
How leaders choose to think and behave has the greatest influence on how poeple experience work, and subsequently, their mental health.
On the show today, we'll be talking about workplace mental health strategies for leaders with Dr Claire Kelly and Heidi Rogers.
Recording of Karen Gately's weekly radio segment with Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.
How well do you maintain the mental strength needed to keep up with the demands of your job and life?
Recording of Karen Gately's weekly radio segment with Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.
The ways in which work affects our mental health and wellbeing are complex and varied. What research consistently reveals is that work can be immensely beneficial but also harmful to our mental health, and in turn to our physical wellbeing and quality of life.
If you're one of the nearly five million Australians that suffers from stress, perhaps it's time to KonMari your brain! #9Today
What are the signs I need a mental health day? I need a mental health day. What do I say? What should I do on a mental health day?
Recording of Karen's weekly radio segment on Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

A focus on mental health in the workplace is both good management, and good business sense
Article · 26-Jun-2019
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia, and depression the second. The business world hasn’t seemed to fully grasp that people with mental health challenges need support at work.
Some vets reveal euthanising pets can be one of the most emotionally draining aspects of the job, it takes a mental toll on everyone involved.
Mentally healthy employees are engaged and productive. By taking the following steps, leaders can improve both employee well-being and business outcomes.
If you have experienced or witnessed workplace bullying, you know the devastating impact any form of abuse can have.