In the Media
Engage with our thought leadership through published articles, radio interviews, and TV appearances.
The Property Council says Melbourne CBD workers should be able to leave the office early on Fridays in order to help ailing pubs and clubs that have been affected by COVID lockdowns.
Are you coasting towards the finish line in 2020? Still have a lot to achieve?
Getting the right balance for your staff’s remuneration can be tricky, so what should you be thinking about?
With many business' running on only a few staff, but trying to pump out as much work as possible, Karen has some tips on when to recognise and stop burn out.
On the show today we’ll be talking to two productivity experts who will share their insights to how we can remove distractions and ‘noise’ from our work world and operate with greater discipline and focus.

Blended working - optimise performance when your team isn't in the office full-time
Article · 5-Aug-2020
As communities around Australia and the world respond to the threat of COVID-19, leaders everywhere are faced with the challenge of enabling success while driving blind. For many that includes having to influence the performance of people who aren't working in the office everyday.
On the show today we’ll be exploring why the wellbeing of people matters to organisational performance.
At the start of Mental Health Awareness week, HR specialist Karen Gately helps us understand the impact of Mental Health on our work lives.
Listen to Karen Gately chat about working with your friends - does it lower productivity? Find out her thoughts by having a listen.