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True love on the job
If you're still looking for love this Valentine's Day, it might be time to forget the online dating apps and start looking around the office.
75% of Aussies believe long-term romance is possible in the workplace.
Rules of play from Karen Gately:
IF YOU are in a romantic relationship at work or thinking about it, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- Be discreet: No one wants to have to put up with a couple flirting or bickering at work. No matter how cute or amazing you think your partner is, remember your colleagues probably don't want to hear about it every time they walk past your desk.
- Understand workplace laws: Sexual harassment is an unwanted behaviour which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Read the signals your romantic interest sends about their interest in you and a relationship.
- Is the relationship important? If you're just looking for a good time, make sure the person you get involved with understands that. Leaving a trail of broken hearts and trust in your wake is unlikely to do anything good for your career.

Tags: Australia Behaviour Colleagues Office Relationships Sexual harassment Tips Workplace