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What to and what not to ask mums returning to work

Women returning to work from maternity leave are often asked lots of ridiculous sexist questions. Some examples are “Will you be taking maternity leave again?” “Are you ready to get back into work” “Can we rely on you?” despite Australian laws prohibiting return-to-work discrimination, one in two mothers reported discrimination in the workplace. Asking discriminatory questions during the hiring process is illegal, understanding what recruiters can and can’t ask mums returning to work starts with being aware of the law – your intentions are irrelevant. Conscious and unconscious biases have no place in the conversation of women returning to work, women don’t need to be shamed when they are back at work and asked who is looking after their kids, check your biases. There are lots of things leaders and colleagues can do to support women have a smooth transition back into work, so don’t be afraid to ask how you can help. Organisations should leverage the potential of women returning to work, they can gain and improve skills during their time away from the workplace.

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Tags: Equality Mums Women