In the Media
Engage with our thought leadership through published articles, radio interviews, and TV appearances.
Karen joins Lisa Leong on ABC Sundays to chat about how to ask for a pay rise.
It’s challenging for companies across most industries to find people right now. An increasingly popular tool is LinkedIn, where people tend to post a comprehensive list of their work history, like a traditional resume.
Have you considered offering pay rises to your staff to reflect the rise in inflation?
Research shows employment ads seeking fully vaccinated workers are skyrocketing. The job market is rapidly shrinking for unvaccinated Australians with more businesses only accepting applications from jobseekers who are double dosed against Covid-19.
With many experts predicting that we’re heading into ‘The Great Resignation’, the last thing employers need is for their people to be rage quitting. Here’s how HR can prevent it.
Can we mandate a 'no jab, no job' policy? Well, the law is not so clear.

“You will have a heart attack”: age discrimination against jobseeker costs employer
Article · 12-Apr-2021
A 61-year-old man was appalled when an employer laughed at him and said he was "too old" when he enquired about a job and claims age discrimination.
We've all heard horror stories about former employees turning on their employers, so how can you protect your organisation so employees don't try to burn it all down on their way out?
On the show today we will be exploring what it takes to be at our best and reach our potential, whether that be at work or more broadly in life.
Are you coasting towards the finish line in 2020? Still have a lot to achieve?
On the show today we will be exploring how you can avoid the all too common mistake of hiring people who have the qualifications or experience needed, but lack the mindsets and behaviours that allow them to be successful in the role or team
Zoom calls have added an extra layer of complexity to getting a job in 2020.
Ahron Young and Karen Gately unpack employee onboarding during a global pandemic.
On the show today we’ll be talking about bullies. We’ll be exploring how to recognise and address bullying in the workplace.
Ahron Young and Karen Gately chat about effective work teams on Ticker Work.
Ahron Young and Karen Gately talk about the future of work on the brand new show, Ticker Work.
After the radio industry suffered some big job losses last week, Karen takes us through the steps from losing a job to getting your next one.
There are few things more frustrating than being told how to do your job, and according to a career expert, it’s one of the biggest mistakes a new-starter can make.
When you've got no previous job experience, what can you put on your first resume?
If you're answering the call for a junior position, how can you make the right moves and score the job?

The leader's role in keeping the mental health of their team on track in times of remote isolated working
Article · 22-Apr-2020
To say life is challenging right now is an understatement. The reality is a lot of people are facing circumstances and levels of stress they've never had to deal with before.
Every year LinkedIn releases a list of both the 'hard' and 'soft' skills employers are most often looking for.
Being an EA is often a 24-hour, seven day a week job. But knowing when to stop and get some much-needed rest or exercise is vital to success.
Workplace advice from workplace HR specialist Karen Gately.