In the Media
Being more promotable takes building a reputation that earns you trust and respect from your peers, manager and the senior leaders of your business.
The survival guide to your work Christmas party.
When a prospective employer asks in an interview "do you have any questions for me" - typically they are continuing their assessment of you.
So, you've been waiting to be recognised for your hard work in the form of a pay rise, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen soon. It's time for that change, says Karen Gately.
How can a small or medium-sized business stand out to job seekers? First, create an environment where people want to work.
A huge barrier to pay equality is the struggle we face as women when asking for a raise, it’s easier said than done! Sometimes it’s hard to get the recognition you deserve.
Job interviews are hard, some interview questions make jobseekers break into a sweat. In this article it is revealed that you can easily nail interview questions by putting your potential boss on the spot.
Just like any relationship, your career goes through phases. When you are unhappy at work, that translates to being unhappy in life.
This is the year to earn what you deserve. Sometimes it’s hard to get the recognition you deserve, you’ve done so much hard work and you believe it’s time for a pay rise!

What The F*** Do you Say When Someone Asks, "What Are Your Salary Expectations?"
Article · 26-Nov-2018
It's the question that strikes fear into the heart of anyone going to a job interview.
There's no question that working in a role we are passionate about is entirely more likely to have a positive impact on our happiness.
Thanks to technology the world of work is changing quickly.
The quiet needn't worry about one of life's most daunting experiences.
How to navigate a career change in your 50s & 60s.
Careers for kids - how parents can help children score their first job.
How to change industries and land the job you really want.
Karen provides advice on entry level jobs with big earning potential on Today Extra.