In the Media
Corporate Dojo
Get wise to what you can and can’t ask in a job interview to respect candidates and protect your brand in an increasingly digital world.
A profile on Karen Gately written by AFR. It goes through her history in the karate world and the lessons it taught her. Karen says karate allows people to develop their character.
Mentally healthy employees are engaged and productive. By taking the following steps, leaders can improve both employee well-being and business outcomes.
How can more ‘traditional’ leaders see the value in flexible working? Karen Gately says leaders should put trust and respect into their employees allows them to have a better work/ life balance.
The importance of diversity in the workplace today is paramount. Leadership experts say that no matter the scale or capital of an organisation, there’s no excuse to not be taking meaningful steps towards a more diverse and inclusive workplace.
Does your sexual harassment policy do what it needs to in a #MeToo world? How well are your team and business protected from sexual predators?
Adopting a planned approach to predicting the likelihood of someone being successful in their role is very important, because if potential staff do not perform well it can have a detrimental impact on the energy and resources of your team.
A huge barrier to pay equality is the struggle we face as women when asking for a raise, it’s easier said than done! Sometimes it’s hard to get the recognition you deserve.
Reward programs reveal a lot about the culture of an organisation. Successful reward programs should encourage desirable behaviour and clearly signal behaviour that is undesirable.

Karen Gately – Passionate Optimist with Unwavering Belief in the Power of the Human Spirit
Article · 25-Feb-2019
Karen Gately was asked some questions about Australian leadership and her optimism. Karen is self-described as a “passionate optimist with unwavering belief in the power of the human spirit”.
When staff do not perform in their job, it has a detrimental impact on both the business and the energy of the team. Leaders need to ensure they hire the correct people for roles to avoid this.
HR plays a vital role in ensuring team members are healthy, energised and engaged. Unfortunately, lots of staff take leave that isn’t genuine.
How effective is your organisation’s approach to rewarding and recognising staff? How are culture, engagement and performance impacted?
Job interviews are hard, some interview questions make jobseekers break into a sweat. In this article it is revealed that you can easily nail interview questions by putting your potential boss on the spot.
Just like any relationship, your career goes through phases. When you are unhappy at work, that translates to being unhappy in life.
How effective is the way you communicate? Everyone is taught how to be polite. People are taught sophisticated vocabulary as well but sometimes this language is difficult to understand.
This is the year to earn what you deserve. Sometimes it’s hard to get the recognition you deserve, you’ve done so much hard work and you believe it’s time for a pay rise!
Make you career shine in 2019. You have had a tough year and are finding work hard. It’s important to remember the future is in you hands and you can control it.
Karen Gately helps you prepare for the 2019 and ensure that your job doesn’t get taken over by technology.
How does your organisation's culture influence your customers' experiences? Here are 4 ways to ensure you earn customer loyalty.
Ever looked at everyone else's LinkedIn bio wondered if it was all true?

Broken glasses, chairs and bones: Five ways to avoid a disastrous Christmas party
Article · 11-Dec-2018
Getting your team and business through the festive season 'unscathed' takes a deliberate approach.

'Keep your clothes on and make sure you eat': HR expert shares five tips to make sure you leave the work Christmas party
Article · 5-Dec-2018
Work Christmas parties are in full swing across the country, HR expert Karen Gately says you can unwind and still keep your career intact. It's not always best to follow your manager's lead...
The candidate you hired looked good on paper and interviewed well, but you start to think you have made a hiring mistake. Here's what to do next.